Pack Leader Techniques Main Photo


In 2013 I rescued a 7 year old Patterdale Jack Russell who had severe anxiety reactions around dogs. The owners said I must keep her away from all dogs to prevent her attacking. I immediately decided that I must help this dog to become balanced again. Keeping dogs isolated is the worst thing you can do but you have to help them to believe that dogs don't want to harm them and gain trust and respect again.

This set me on an amazing course going to America to train with some incredible people who believe that with calm confident energy humans can change the way dogs react.

Dogs just react to the moment, unlike humans they do not follow or listen to unbalanced energy so by creating calm and quiet authority humans become pack leaders in the eyes of dogs.

Let me help you develop your own Pack Leader skills with calm confident energy, no more shouting, no more pulling on walks or constant barking in the house. Simple techniques for you and your family to use not just for one day but a new way of life creating balance and harmony for you and your dog.

Give me a call to arrange a meeting …
01608 662 148 or 07778 123 695

First Dog Photo Second Dog Photo

“To gain respect from your dog you first have to understand your dog's needs. Exercise, rules, boundaries, limitations and affection all delivered with love. It takes years to gain a human's trust and a minute to lose it. It only takes a minute to gain a dog's trust.”